
Posted By on August 11, 2017

To Guests and Delivery People visiting Aria:

Please be aware that you are required to use the call box located at the front of the building to contact the Aria resident you are visiting for entry into the building or wait to be escorted. Please do not attempt to “tailgate” after other residents; you may be stopped, asked to provide identification, and told to wait for the resident in which you have come to visit to retrieve you.

Management also requests that residents remind their guests of these rules. If your name is not yet in the call box, please contact Management to obtain a Call Box form or download it from this website under Documents > General.

Residents may also use the north side gate to enter/exit the building if they do not wish to confront people waiting at the front lobby door.

Thank you!


1441 9th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (619) 231-4235

Management Team

General Manager
Morgan Cooper | mcooper@actionlife.com
Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5:00PM

Manager Assistant
Kate Severo | ksevero@actionlife.com

On-Site Engineer
Pat McMorrow | pmcmorrow@actionlife.com
Monday – Friday, 6AM – 2:30PM

Move In/Out Scheduling

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | 949-450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | 949-450-0202
fax | 949-450-0303