Window Washing Schedule: April 16 – 27

Posted By on April 13, 2018

Window washing is scheduled to take place starting April 16 – 27 from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. daily. The scheduled is tentative and subject to change. Please be sure that you close your windows, close your shades for privacy, and remove or cover your patio furniture if you do not want to risk getting it wet.

Units Date Windows Facing
2403, 2303, 2203, 2103, 2003, 1903, 1804, 1704, 1604, 1504, 1404, 1304, 1204, 1104, 1004, 905, 805, 711, 611, 511, 411, 311, 211 Monday, April 16

Tuesday, April 17

9th Avenue – West View

Beech Street – North View

2401, 2301, 2201, 2101, 2001,1901 Tuesday, April 17 Beech Street – North View
1801, 1701, 1601, 1501, 1401,1301, 1201, 1101, 1001, 901, 801, 701, 601, 501, 401, 301, 201, 101 Tuesday, April 17

Wednesday, April 18

Beech Street, 9th Avenue, and Hwy 163
2401, 2301, 2201, 2101, 2001,1901 Wednesday, April 18

Thursday, April 19

Hwy 163 & 10th Avenue
1802, 1702, 1602, 1502, 1402, 1302, 1202, 1102, 1002, 902, 802 Thursday, April 19

Friday, April 20

Hwy 163 & 10th Avenue
2402, 2302, 2202, 2102, 2002, 1902, 1803, 1703, 1603, 1503, 1403, 1303, 1203, 1103, 1003, 903, 803 Thursday, April 19

Friday, April 20

Ash & 9th
702, 602, 502, 402, 302, 202 Monday, April 23

Tuesday, April 24

Pool, Beech Street, Hwy 163

Northeast view

703, 603, 503, 403, 303,203 Monday, April 23

Tuesday, April 24

Pool, Beech Street, Hwy 163 & Ash
704, 604, 504, 404, 304, 204, 102 Tuesday, April 24

Wednesday, April 25

Ash Street  & 10th Avenue
705, 605, 505, 405, 305, 205, 103 Tuesday, April 24

Wednesday, April 25

Ash Street  & 10th Avenue
706, 606, 506, 406, 306, 206, 104 Wednesday, April 25

Thursday, April 26

Ash Street  & 10th Avenue
707, 607, 507, 407, 307, 207,105 Wednesday, April 25

Thursday, April 26

Ash & 9th
708, 608, 508, 408, 308, 208, 106 Thursday, April 26 9th Avenue
709, 609, 509, 409, 309, 209, 107 Thursday, April 26 9th Avenue
904, 804, 710, 610, 510, 410, 310, 210, Friday, April 27 9th Avenue
905, 805, 711, 611, 511, 411, 311, 211 Friday, April 27 9th Avenue

If you would like to schedule your interior or balcony windows to be cleaned, you may contact Krista at for more details.


1441 9th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (619) 231-4235

Management Team

General Manager
Morgan Cooper |
Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5:00PM

Manager Assistant
Kate Severo |

On-Site Engineer
Pat McMorrow |
Monday – Friday, 6AM – 2:30PM

Move In/Out Scheduling

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | 949-450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | 949-450-0202
fax | 949-450-0303