Board President End of Year Report

Posted By on January 4, 2021

Dear Aria Residents,

As we end 2020 and move into 2021, on behalf of the Aria Board, I want to extend my warmest wishes for the New Year.  The last 12 months have brought a lot of challenges to many – physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally – but there were a lot of productive things that happened this year too.  Here are some of the positive accomplishments the Aria team worked on and resolved this year:

  • The reheat tank, cold-water tank, and fire pump packing were replaced.
  • The Board removed three diseased palm trees on the slope next to the building. There is no cure for this type of disease and could have eventually fallen over onto the 163-freeway ramp.
  • A preventative maintenance agreement was signed with House of Automation. This would include 24/7 coverage for garage gate issues and lower the costs of repairs.
  • The Board contracted with a different landscape company in hopes of improving the visual appeal.
  • The Board installed two additional cameras in the building. The first camera is near the Management and Engineer office and the second is near the lobby level restrooms.
  • The common area lights were converted to LED in order to lower the cost of electricity in the building.
  • The Association completed major needed maintenance and replaced five out of six hot water heaters.
  • The kitchen-drain stacks throughout the building have been cleaned. There have been zero backups since.
  • The Association hired a new General Manager that has over 7 years of HOA experience.
  • In light of COVID-19, the Board installed hand sanitizing stations at the front desk and in the gym.
  • A finance committee was formed to help the association with the financials and investments.
  • The parapet walls on the rooftop were power washed, sealed, and painted.

Given this list, I want to acknowledge and show my appreciation to the team that made this all possible.

Pat – Pat joined as chief engineer just a short time after the annual meeting last year.  He has been a tremendous asset to the building working to resolve day to day issues, emergencies (we’ve had a few of those!), and major projects – there’ve been several of those as well!  Pat goes above and beyond, not just for the structure of the building, caring for every nook and cranny, but also helping the residents of Aria.  You are appreciated beyond measure!

Corinne – Thank you for filling in, spoiling us with your management skills and style, and for providing us with Josh’s resume for review.  We look forward to our continued partnership with Action.

Josh – While Josh only joined the team as General Manager for Aria a few months ago, he has jumped right in and became part of the Aria team.  I look forward to watching him continue to grow and learn more about the building, get his office moved upstairs to the lobby so everyone can see what an asset he is, and work with him into the new year.

Irma and Victor – I love being greeted with your smiles (yes, I can see them even with masks on) and I want you to know how much the entire board appreciates your hard-working efforts to keep our building a place we are all proud to call home.  Thank you for all you do!

Ray, Jim, and Joan – My fellow board members, each of whom brings a different range of talents and points of view, you have my gratitude!  The way we have been able to collaborate has made my position as Board President this past year much easier.  I do not know what I would do without each of you.  I may not say it often enough, but I want you to all know that I appreciate each one of you; whether it be landscaping, financials, or simply ideas we share regarding the care of Aria.

The Financial and Architectural Committees – thank you for your time and efforts providing a key function of the Aria team!  Whether going through investment ideas or reviewing a structural change submittal, know that your work is highly valued.

The Holiday Decorating Committee – thank you for making the season brighter!  It has been a nice end to 2020 seeing the lobby decorated so pleasantly.

Any other resident volunteers – thank you for helping to care for Aria and her members. 

I would like to extend a personal note to our security and other essential workers – thank you! Many have been touched by the pandemic this last year and your tireless efforts to keep us all safe, healthy, and fed are beyond value.

Happy New Year, be safe and mask up!

Sandi Bonney

Aria Board President


1441 9th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (619) 231-4235

Management Team

General Manager
Morgan Cooper |
Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5:00PM

Manager Assistant
Kate Severo |

On-Site Engineer
Pat McMorrow |
Monday – Friday, 6AM – 2:30PM

Move In/Out Scheduling

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | 949-450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | 949-450-0202
fax | 949-450-0303