Register Your Bike

Posted By on March 1, 2021

Dear Aria Residents,

Management completed the bike room audit and found 31 bikes that are not registered with the office. If your bike is marked with blue tape around its wheel, please stop by the office to complete an application. The application can also be found on the Resident Portal under Forms.

If your bike is not registered by Friday, March 5th, your bike will be removed and donated to an organization selected by the Board of Directors. Please plan accordingly and register your bike!


1441 9th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (619) 231-4235

Management Team

General Manager
Morgan Cooper |
Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5:00PM

Manager Assistant
Kate Severo |

On-Site Engineer
Pat McMorrow |
Monday – Friday, 6AM – 2:30PM

Move In/Out Scheduling

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | 949-450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | 949-450-0202
fax | 949-450-0303