HOA Master Insurance Policy for your Lender

Posted By on April 15, 2024

Aria’s HOA policy renewed on 10/1/23. If you or your lender need an insurance certificate I have attached it here but it is also on https://resident.actionlife.com/Document/Index/75673017. If a special copy is requested by your lender you or they can request it immediately by visiting www.EOIDirect.com, or by calling EOI Direct’s toll-free helpdesk at 1-877-456-3643 Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM (Mountain Standard Time).

Owners may register with a personal e-mail address and obtain a renewal certificate to provide to their existing mortgagees. Once registered, owners can enter their community name in the association name field to bring up the community’s policies. As there are multiple certificate options, owners may select the option that specifies “I received a letter from my lender requesting an annual update of my insurance policy. (Your lender may indicate they will be purchasing, or have purchased, insurance on your behalf)”, as that is cost-free and will provide all of the proper information for all financial lending institutions.

While you’re on the homeowners portal you should also review “Who Covers What” document published by Kirk Miller, the association’s insurance broker. This document provides great guidance to help you ensure your insurance provides you adequate coverage in the case of any incident.


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